Digital Marketing for Engineers.
Engineering is one of the most popular courses in our country. Most of us choose PCM or Engineering as a career path because of our parent’s influence or peer pressure and sometimes even without any interest or knowledge about it. Now we have taken engineering but what to do next? Is digital marketing for engineers really work?
If your reason for becoming an engineer was any of the following then maybe you should re-evaluate your choices
➫ It will provide me with a good-paying job
➫ It is what my parents want from me
➫ If my cousin can do it, then so can I
➫ I need a degree so why not do this
If your reason doesn’t match the above reasons but you still have doubts about whether engineering is for you or not, ask the following questions to yourself and get a clearer idea.
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Is engineering something you want to do?
Engineers do more than just science and math’s. Even if you like mathematics and science, then also it is not sufficient to be a good engineer because, engineers solve problems, try to do new things, try to improve things, and make life easier.
Some of the most basic questions
➫ Do you love solving problems?
➫ Do you want to know how things are made and work?
➫ Do you find the challenges our world is facing interesting?
➫ Does the unknowns make you curious?
➫ Do you want to create new things?
If these points make you realize that engineering is right for you then awesome, but if it isn’t and you have taken engineering what to do next without changing the whole career path? What if there is something that can be interesting to do and can be used as a good career option also?
Well, digital marketing is one such option. It is one of the fastest-growing marketing methods and is highly in demand. Let’s get to know more about it. Why it is getting this famous and why is it something engineers can focus on?
Digital Marketing-
Digital marketing is the type of marketing that is done through the internet and other electronic technologies like mobiles, computers, email, social media, etc.
It is rapidly developing and is the best way of promoting and selling products and services right now all across the globe. Nearly all businessmen use this method to promote their products.
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Why is digital marketing is flourishing?
Right now everyone is connected to the internet and uses social networking. And it has a very big impact on our lives.
Every one second 9,503 tweets are sent, 1,077 photos are uploaded on Instagram, 92,557 google searches are done, 89,945 videos have been watched on youtube.
➥ As this is the condition of internet traffic then we can imagine how easy it would be to create awareness of one’s product if it is done properly. And that’s where digital marketing comes.
➥ Everyone wants things to be cost-effective and digital marketing is cheaper than traditional ways of marketing.
➥ Digital marketing is a two-way street that makes communication with consumers a lot easier than any other means.
➥ It helps in building trust because people can easily give reviews on the products and new customers can rely on them for the product’s authenticity.
Currently, digital marketing is a great career option and can provide a handsome salary if one wants to make it as their focus
Is digital marketing for engineers too?
Let’s go with the most basic reasons first.
➦ Engineers are familiar with technology and can easily operate them. Digital marketing requires this knowledge for easy flow of work
➦ Digital marketing requires creativity and innovation for good publicity and engineers are both of these things. So they can easily use their creative and innovative ideas to give the desired result.
➦ Good research skills come in handy in the digital marketing field. Finding data is easy but a good researcher also finds whether it is from a reliable source or not. That is something an engineer is naturally good at.
➦ Engineers are problem solvers and digital marketing requires that kind of analytical thinking to connect better with their customers.
➦ Digital marketing provides a golden opportunity to engineers who want to be entrepreneurs. It gives insight into what is working and what not in the market and you can make changes accordingly.
Types of things digital marketing comprises of-

➠ Content marketing: It requires strong analytical and editing skills. To be good in content marketing one must have the ability to write and communicate.
➠ Social media marketing: For this, you should have creative skills so that your ways can attract people. Social media marketing means brand awareness by engaging people.
➠ Search Engine Marketing(SEM): It is a form of digital marketing strategy done with websites to increase the visibility in the search engines. It is important to have passion in the field, technical knowledge, writing skills, communication skills, and flexibility.
➠ Marketing automation: Software are used to promote digital marketing campaigns and to improve efficiency. One must know how to use this software and know-how to apply logic and creativity to the work.
➠ Email marketing: Making the subject compelling is the most important thing to do in this type of marketing. If you can get people attracted towards your content with your way of writing then this is absolutely for you.
➠ Search Engine Optimization (SEO): It is more a marketing tool rather than a form of marketing. It is a great career option if you have a sense of humor, critical thinking, social skills, and know your way around technology.
➠ Marketing analytics: For this, it is important to have data visualization, presentation skills, critical thinking, and know how to use SQL, Microsoft excel, machine learning.
Check – Current Digital marketing Salary, Jobs, and Career Opportunities in 2021.
Most of the skills required for digital marketing are already in an engineer, so they can easily make a career around any of these with a small effort to improve the above skills. These skills can be improved by creating a good work-life balance.
By building up your career from engineering to digital marketing, you can easily have a sound career.
So what are you waiting for? Start learning because it is never late to learn new things. We are here to help you with that.