How To Use Hashtags Effectively In Social Media Marketing?

Importance of  Hashtag for social media Marketing

Let us first understand what social media marketing is, it means to use social media and different social networks to promote or market a company’s product or services.

Nowadays, social media marketing is becoming a lot popular because the majority of individuals are now on different social media platforms which makes it easier for a company to connect with them and create brand awareness amongst them.

hashtag for social media

A hashtag is a phrase or keyword which is written after the pound or # sign. It makes different things and products searchable. For Example, if you search “#birthdayideas”, on Instagram or Facebook, or any social media platform, and it brings up thousands of posts related to birthdays.

Social media marketing is an important part of digital marketing, digital marketing is promotion of goods and services on different online platforms. It also helps to promote and develop brand awareness of the product.

You can learn more about digital marketing techniques or  social media marketing by enrolling yourself in digital marketing courses or try out learning through free YouTube tutorials

Reasons to use Hashtags on social media 

By focusing on your social media content under a particular Hashtag, you may be able to reach the audience that you have decided to target more efficiently.

The majority of individuals search and also follow different hashtags that not only reflect their interests but also make the content searchable, you can use it to make a connection with people of different tastes and preferences that are an ideal fit for your brand. 

hashtag for social media

For example, if you want to bring in new connections to your bakery in Mumbai, India, using hashtags such as #mumbaicakes, #bakeryinmumbai, or #cakesinindia these will make your content that you post easily searchable by individuals looking for a bakery in that area. This is also useful because the users don’t even have to be following your social media account to see your posts.

Similarly, adding different hashtags that are related to your content helps an individual to boost the number of visits on your profile and increases the engagement of your content with the audience. To better understanding the audience, you can do some best social media marketing certification.

 According to a survey; “Posts on Twitter that include hashtags receive 2 times more engagement than posts without. If you want to improve your brand’s visibility on social media, it is a simple yet effective way to accomplish that goal.”

Different types of Hashtags used on social media

Now that we know the importance and the value of hashtag, let us now discuss different types –

  • Brand Hash Tags: Those are created to differentiate content related to your brand and making it discoverable and easily searchable. The hashtags can be simple for example #YourBrand’sName’s or just your brand tagline which makes your content unique and memorable.

For Example, Puma can use hashtags like #Puma or #ForeverFaster. This makes it easier for the audience to differentiate your social media content from your competitors and also makes your content easily discoverable.

  • Trending Hash Tags: They are exactly what they sound like: hashtags that are currently going viral on different social media platforms across the globe like Twitter trends hashtags, which thereby makes your content available for audiences all across the world giving your brand both national and international exposure. These hashtags can be anything ranging from different humorous challenges to dance challenges to holidays to world news. 

With these trending hashtags, the most critical aspect of trending hashtags is their timing like Instagram posts at weekends or at night you can get more engagement. If you’re going to involve yourself in a trend, you need to make sure you do it while it is still popular and still in trend to get as much audience engagement as possible.

  • Content Hash Tags: Those are phrases or keywords that describe the content that you are posting on different social media platforms promoting and developing awareness about your brand.

For example, if you own a bakery and you are posting about different types of cake recipes that you can try making at home. You can use hashtags like #HomemadeCakes or #Recipesforcakes or #Easytomakecakes.

How many hashtags should you use?

hashtag for social media

After knowing the value and the importance and of the types of hashtags, we need to answer this important question. The usage of hashtag depends on different social media platforms. Or you can also visit some social accounts of the digital marketing training institute in pune because they target well just by using hashtags.

  • Twitter (1-2  are sufficient)

As twitter limits the characters to 280 per tweet. This makes one or two hashtags enough.

  • Instagram (8-12  are enough)

Instagram allows up to 30. but too much of anything is bad for the engagement, so a minimum of 9 hashtags is enough for a good engagement on an Instagram post and you can also get the most popular hashtag list by searching the best hashtags for Instagram on google. 

  • Facebook (1-2 are enough)

Like Instagram, Facebook is not a place to use a lot of hashtags. So, you should avoid over-crowding your posts just to increase engagement.

  • LinkedIn (1-5 are enough)

As LinkedIn is a professional platform, it is advisable not to use a lot of hashtags as it diverts the attention from the post and creates unnecessary confusion.


The hashtag is very vital for promoting your brand and making the audience aware of your products. It makes your content unique and different from others allowing you to engage only with the people who are interested in buying your product.

If you follow this blog, it will answer a lot of your important questions related to hashtag and their usage to promote and develop a brand and create the required awareness about it, or either you can join some best social media marketing courses to improve your knowledge.