5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Digital Marketing Game in 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being touted as the next big thing in digital marketing, but what does that mean for your business? The truth is that Artificial Intelligence will play a massive role in how we do business, and it’s already starting to make its mark on the world of marketing. Here are five ways artificial intelligence will change the digital marketing game in 2023:

The ability to utilize Artificial Intelligence in your marketing strategy will be a matter of necessity, not luxury.

AI is a tool that can help your marketing strategy get more out of itself. If you’re not using it, you’re missing out on some serious opportunities to improve productivity and grow your business.

In the future, Artificial Intelligence will be so pervasive and essential in digital marketing that it’ll be impossible for businesses that don’t adopt it now to compete successfully with those who do—and this is one area where a lot of people have been slow off the mark: they think machine learning technology doesn’t apply directly to them because they’re not tech companies or data scientists (or something like that). But really, no matter what industry you work in—whether it’s fashion design or accounting services—AI has become an integral part of how we live our daily lives today!

Improved voice search and automated assistants will be more important than ever.

Voice search has been around for years, but it’s only recently that the technology has become more advanced and reliable. Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant are improving at an exponential rate—and they’re expected to continue growing in popularity.

Artificial Intelligence - voice assistance

In fact, according to a study conducted by Global Web Index (GWI), voice search will grow from 16% of all searches today to 50% by 2023-24! That means that you’ll be able to interact with your digital assistant more often than you can currently imagine—and even though most users still prefer typing out queries instead of speaking to them aloud into their devices’ microphones, voice-activated assistants will become more effective as well.

As AI improves its ability to understand human language better than ever before, we’ll see many more examples of how artificial intelligence can help us navigate our lives better than ever before: from shopping for clothes online or finding restaurants nearby when we’re running late (to name just two).

It will be crucial for companies to understand their customers on a deep, human level.

Artificial intelligence will be the key to understanding your customers on a deep, human level.

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In order for companies to succeed in the future, they need to know their customers better than anyone else does. AI technology can help you do that by providing an unprecedented amount of data about each individual user and analyzing it in real time. This means that every company will have access to information about its customers’ needs, wants and desires—and what they do with that information once they have it!

Data security and privacy will remain at the forefront of consumers’ minds.

Data security and privacy will remain at the forefront of consumers’ minds. As the number of data breaches continues to rise, consumers are becoming more aware that their personal information can be easily stolen or misused by companies. This has led to a shift in how businesses operate — from an emphasis on profit margins to one that places trust in their customers as well as themselves by providing transparency over what they’re doing with your data, why it matters (and why sharing is necessary), and how you can control/participate in this process.

In addition to these factors, Artificial Intelligence is also helping evolve traditional digital marketing practices in ways we haven’t yet seen before:

TOFU (top-of-funnel) marketing will become increasingly personal.

Artificial Intelligence

TOFU (top-of-funnel) marketing will become increasingly personal.

TOFU stands for top of the funnel, and it refers to the part of your customer’s journey where they first encounter your brand. In this case, it’s their first impression of your product or service that matters most—and if you can get them on board before they even know what you’re offering, then it makes sense for them to begin using your product or service as soon as possible. This idea was popularized by start-ups like Slack and GitHub who realized that providing useful tools for their users helped them grow faster than other products in their categories.

While some companies may still use traditional advertising strategies at this stage in the buyer’s journey (such as direct mail), there are plenty of ways artificial intelligence can help improve how we approach these types of campaigns going forward:


AI will become more important to marketers, who will have to contend with a variety of new challenges.

Consumers will demand more personalization, which means companies will have to understand their customers on a human level. They’ll need to address data security and privacy concerns, as well as the topic of TOFU (the “T” stands for “transparency”).

Companies that adopt Artificial Intelligence are likely to see their marketing spend rise significantly in 2023—and so should you!


Artificial Intelligence is going to help marketers reach more consumers and create more personalized experiences. But it’s not all about the technology: The people behind the AI will also be a vital part of your digital marketing strategy, as they can help you understand what your customers want and need—and give you insights into new possibilities for how you can reach them.